主要论文: 1、欧盟碳配额价格影响因素研究, 云南师范大学学报(哲学与社会科学版), 2013.第一作者.中文核心. CSSCI. 2、沪市制造业企业环境管理与财务绩效关系研究 —基于面板数据联立方程组模型的实证分析, 企业经济, 2015.第一作者.中文核心. 3、基于Copula的QDII与排放权资产的投资组合构建.数理统计与管理. 2011.第一作者.中文核心. CSSCI. 4、An Empirical Research on the European Carbon Market Efficiency Based on High-frequency Data. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering.2015.第一作者. EI Indexed. 5、An Investigation into the Evolved Relationship between Spot and Futures in the EU ETS. International Journal of Green Economics. 2011. 通讯作者. 6、The Relationships among Environmental Management, Firm Value and other Firm Attributes. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development. 2011. 通讯作者. 7、Weak-form Efficiency of European Union Emission Trading Scheme - Evidence from Variance Ratio Tests. International Journal of Green Economics. 2010. 通讯作者. 8、Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among College Students in China and USA, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 2011.第一作者. 9、Comparison of Entrepreneurial Intention among College Students in the US and China. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education. 2010. 通讯作者. 论著教材: 1、副主编,证券市场分析,清华大学出版社,2012. 2、第二作者、第二译者, 创业与风险投资(中英文双语),中国科学技术大学出版社. 2010.